It is available in a wide range of high-quality grades to meet a wide variety of sophisticated customer needs in all sorts of applications.
PA6, MHL, 14-100, GF30
Reinforced with glass fiber 30%, heat and UV stabilized, black color
PA6, MHL, 14-100, GF33
Reinforced with glass fiber 33%, heat and UV stabilized, black color
PA6, MH, 14-100, GF30
Reinforced with glass fiber 30%, black color, high flow, heat stabilized
UBESTA is made by a unique and patented continuous polymerization in an utmost stability of quality and properties.
It is a unique material that combines the basic properties of nylon with the following features as well as possible to respond flexibly to various demand.
UBE is the only manufacturer in Japan that produces Nylon 12 with integrated manufacturing from raw materials.
It is used in a wide range of applications of automotive, electronics and Industrial.
Mono-layer tube, UBESTA has been proven as preferable choice in general industrial application such as automotive coolant-lines, Industrial fluid handling tubes, air brake tubes, hydrolic&pneumatic and painting –lines. Its property is given the excellent chemical resistance, high burst pressure, out standing resilience and excellent long term heat stability.
With the superior performances, high performance multi-layer tube solution is recommended.
3030JFX3 303OJLX8(black)
PA12-P, EHL, 22-004
Flexible hydraulic & pneumatic tubes with low migration plasticizer
3030J146, 3030J146L(black)
PA12-P, EHL, 22-002
Super flexible & impact modified hydraulic and pneumatic tubes with
PA12-P, EHL, 22-004
Fuel & vacuum tubes; air-brake & pneumatic tubes according to DIN 73378-PA12 HIPHL type1
PA12-HIP, EHL, 22-005
Multilayer fuel tubes with excellent adhesion to modified ETFE
PA6/12-HIP, EHL, 27-007
Multilayer fuel & air-brake tubes with excellent flexibility
Quick connectors for fuel lines with excellent heat aging stability and easy mold release
Conductive & glass fiber reinforced quick connector for fuel line